Happy New Year, Thick Skullers! Wanted to give a brief update as to projects and appearances do you guys don’t think I’ve fallen off the planet. Here’s the status of the latest projects: Children of the Fallen Sun: adventure is written, cover art finished, maps finished. The adventure is currently going through copyediting by the fabulous Ms. Jen Brinkman, and some interior art is being developed by Reba Pyron. I cannot release this until after the MCC rulebook is...
Read MoreReba Pyron art exhibit, The Rot

Wanted to promote a new art exhibit from Thick Skull Adventures’ family member, Ms. Reba Pyron who recently showed exhibit of her work at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. Her show, The Rot, captures a lot of her imagination and talent. You can check out pictures of the exhibit here. (Picture swiped from Cailin Shamess’ Facebook album from the show) Reba has contributed illustrations to Attack of the Frawgs, Stronghold of the Wood Giant Shaman, and the...
Read MoreJan 2015 Update
Hello Thick Skullers! Welcome to 2015! I wanted to give you guys a couple of updates on the latest news. TSH-005: The New Funnel Adventure finds a new home I’m pleased to announce that TSH-005 will not be published after all… at least by Thick Skull Adventures. After some discussions with Mr. Joseph Goodman, I’ve been contracted to deliver that module for publishing through Goodman Games! This is very good news as I’m excited to see one of my...
Read MoreSpellburn Interview
Happy Holidays, Thick Skullers! I’m pleased to announce that I’ve been interviewed by the fine Judges at Spellburn! I had a fun time chatting about the origins of Thick Skull Adventures, my experience with the game, and some behind the scenes of where I get ideas and what not. My thanks to Jim, Jen, Jeffrey and Jobe! Take a listen and let me know what you...
Read MoreLarvik finds some copper, Shaman print edition, TSH-005
Hello Thick Skullers, Well as you know, last week was a bit of a doozy for me, losing my friend to cancer and then celebrating his life at wakes, funerals, viewings, etc. I’m slowly trying to get my game head back in order. It will take some time. Here’s a couple of game-related updates: Haunting of Larvik Island goes Copper I was pleased to see that The Haunting of Larvik Island reached “Best-Selling Copper” status on RPGNow.com. It took about a...
Read MoreWord Templates for DCC Writing
David Baity of the G+ DCC Forums was looking for Word templates for DCC writing so I thought I’d post some things for you guys that I use. If it helps one person, it might help another: Starter Word Template for DCC Adventures – This basically has the outline of all the general sections I include along with a monster stat block. Most interesting thing you’ll probably find in is the Styles I use when creating adventures. DCC Wizard Spell Template –...
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