Happy New Year, Thick Skullers!
Wanted to give a brief update as to projects and appearances do you guys don’t think I’ve fallen off the planet. Here’s the status of the latest projects:
Children of the Fallen Sun: adventure is written, cover art finished, maps finished. The adventure is currently going through copyediting by the fabulous Ms. Jen Brinkman, and some interior art is being developed by Reba Pyron. I cannot release this until after the MCC rulebook is published, so this will likely be published in summer 2017.
“The DCC Western”: I just finished the first draft of this adventure this weekend, and will start alpha- playtesting in the next couple of weeks. Given I still need to get all the art, maps, and layout complete, this likely won’t be published until late summer or fall.
Project for Other Publisher: One of the reasons I fell behind with the western is that I recently completed a short adventure to be published by another game publisher. This game has not been announced yet by that publisher, so not much more I can say about it other than I hit my deadlines and it’s been turned in.
I’m at GaryCon 2017: I’m so excited that I will finally be able to attend GaryCon and meet so many of my extended DCC family. At Jen’s suggestion, I did not sign up to run any games, but I will be playing in games run by Jen, David Baity, Harley Stroh, DM Cojo, and others! Super stoked. Judge Michael Bolam will be running Children of the Fallen Sun there, so at least I’ll have some representation.
Hope to see some of you at GaryCon! Happy gaming.