Good morning, Thick Skullers! The photo below was sent to us by Mr. +Jon Hershberger, who is attending KantCon this weekend. As you can see, the Thick Skull Adventures portfolio is well represented in the bottom left pile of DCC Swag! Remember, those “full-sized” Attack of the Frawgs adventures are the last of the 1st edition printing. So if you’re a collector, be sure to pickup a copy because Jon, +Rev Dak, and +Roy Snyder have the last available copies.
The Mutant Menace of Lab 47 cover
Love in the Age of Gongfarmers
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- Children of the Fallen Sun – reprint now avaialble
- MCC 15: The Mutant Menace of Lab 47
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- Lighthouse at Shipbreaker Shoals is now available
- Thick Skull Adventures turns 10
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- Coming Soon: The Lighthouse at Shipbreaker Shoals
- Wolf Spear of Ulfheonar
- MCC RPG Adventure Summaries
- The Last Will and Testament of Obediah Felkner – PDF now available