Good news, Thick Skull Adventure fans! Tonight, while enjoying a couple of new sales as a result of’s annual GM Day sale, our DCCRPG module Attack of the Frawgs crossed another milestone to become a Favorite Silver Pick on their website!
So first of all, I would like to thank everyone who’s ponied up their hard earned RPG dollars to pickup a copy of the adventure. No seriously… thank you! I got into the “module writing business” because I love storytelling and I love gaming and I wanted to contribute something back to the community where I could. I have been really surprised and pleased that people continue to enjoy it.
To be clear, as I mentioned when the Frawgs first hit Copper status, as much as I’d like to believe it’s my writing which has helped it reach this milestone, I am fully aware that 99% of the credit goes to the popularity of Joseph Goodman’s Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game. The game is fun to play and beautifully inked and illustrated and in addition to Joseph himself has some of the best game authors out there writing for the system (I’m looking at you, Harley Stroh!) So in that regard, I will take credit for having the insight that as soon as I saw the beta rules that DCC was something special and I wanted to write for it.
Anyway, if nothing else with each new sale, each new Twitter follower, each new game play post that I read about Frawgs, it is a a nice kick in the ass to finish the other DCC RPG projects I have in the works.
Thanks everyone!