Well today was an exciting day for us here at Thick Skull Adventures, after working with Joseph Goodman for about a year on preparing for launching our new DCC RPG modules, I finally got a chance to meet him. Joseph was at our local FLGS, Game Kastle in Santa Clara, CA giving away his Free RPG day DCC RPG adventure offering. He was as nice as I expected him to be, after all, I had been exchanging regular emails with him for the last 12 months.
My only disappointment is that Attack of the Frawgs wasn’t available yet for sale, but, I’m happy to say it will be soon. Cat and I have finished the layout, I’ve incorporated all the last minute proofreading suggestions that came from the DCC RPG 3PP community, and I’m getting quotes from the printer as we speak. Hopefully it will be up at RPGNow.com in the next week or so.
I know I’ve said it before but we’re close now people.