Saddle Up, Partners!
If you follow this blog, you’re almost certainly aware that the Kickstarter for David Baity’s Cthulhu-Western RPG Dark Trails is not only up and running, but burning through the stretch goals like hot lead through a sinner’s flesh. If your RPG internet was down this week and you somehow missed that news, I’d recommend you head over there right now and pledge at whatever level your coin purse can accommodate. David is a fantastic writer, and the flavor/color of his prose is, IMHO, what really makes this game something special.
If you’re like me, you typically don’t get much past the first few paragraphs of a Kickstarter campaign text before you start wondering “Which level should I back at?” and your eyes move to column with all the green backer-level boxes. So if that’s the case with you as well, you may have missed a little nugget below the fold:
Lot’s of folks are hard at work putting their twist on the weird West genre. For starters, you can check out Thick Skull Adventures “The Last WIll and Testament of Obediah Felkner.” Author Stephen Newton is close to launching his exciting take on a weird West adventure that blends perfectly with the Dark Trails RPG. You can find more info at Thick Skull Adventures

Sketch Cover for The Last Will and Testament of Obediah Felkner
So what’s that all about? As you know, I’ve been working on this adventure for about 2 years now. I was inspired to write it after reading Black Powder, Black Magic and playing Dark Trails. The writing of this adventure has actually been complete for some time, and it’s been thoroughly playtested using both standard DCC, BPBM, and Dark Trails rules. David Baity has run it himself a couple of times.
The writing, cover, and editing are done. It’s currently going through layout. The module was written in a way that it could be played just with DCC Rules, but could also be played with DCC rules. When I do publish it, it is my intention to have a section in the module with guidance for specific tweaks to make to monsters/encounters to adapt for playing with Dark Trails.
The adventure itself has been edited once again by the eagle-eyed Ms. Jen Brinkman, the map has been completed by Stefan Poag, and the final cover has been delivered by FRK Pyron, who also did the cover of Children of the Fallen Sun as well as the interior art for several Thick Skull Adventures modules. The adventure is currently going through layout and interior art is being commissioned. I hope to have it published in the Fall 2019.
Looking forward to seeing you all on the trail!