It was on June 22, 2012, when my first DCC adventure Attack of the Frawgs was released in PDF form. I’d written Frawgs during the summer of 2012 against the beta rules of a game which had yet to be released called Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG. Little did I know then how popular the DCC RPG system was to become. Now, five years later, the DCC RPG community has become a bit like my second family. Everyone from Joseph Goodman himself, to the other DCC authors (both on GG staff and the 3rd-party publishers), as well as everyone in the Google Plus and other online communities have all been so warm and kind that I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Anyone who has ever interacted with Attack of the Frawgs or any of my products, whether that was by making a purchase, dropping a comment, or just played a game has helped contribute to what I love so much about being part of this community.
To that end, I wanted to take this opportunity to playfully say thank you by having a “Frawgs Turns 5” birthday giveaway: 5 prizes for 5 years.
What do you need to take part? Just add a +1 or drop a comment in the DCC RPG Community or give it a like on the DCC Rocks Facebook group post. I’d also love to hear any comment about your experience with Frawgs (either running it or playing it) but I leave that up to you.
So what’s the 5 prize giveaway?
- 3 people will be chosen to receive a signed copy of the Attack of the Frawgs reprint.
- 1 person will receive the new Thick Skull Adventures t-shirt (available for purchase in July)
- And for the final prize, I will run a 3-4-hour virtual session of any of the adventures I’ve written for you and up to 4 friends. We’ll schedule a session over Hangouts, Skype, Roll 20 or something similar at a mutually convenient time.
- Again, just comment or +1 on the thread on G+ DCC RPG community page thread or in the DCC Rocks Facebook group thread.
- On/around July 8 I’ll gather up all the names, and then use the Crawler’s Companion to roll a die to select winners. I’ll contact the winners for details via Google Plus for details on how to do exchanges.
- I’ll then go on vacation, so I’ll probably start shipping everything at the end of July.
Thanks again everyone. I’m looking forward to the next 5 years of DCC gaming with you guys.