Happy September, Thick Skullers!
I hope everyone had a lovely summer and are looking forward to some quality autumn gaming (well, autumn here in the US anyway….) It’s been a while since I’ve written so I thought I’d give some quick updates to projects I’ve been working on as it has been a busy summer:
- Gam3rCon 2015: For the 3rd year in a row I’ve been lucky enough to attend Gam3rCon in San Diego. This year, it was an extra treat as I was able to go behind the screen and playtest They Served Brandolyn Red. Good times were had by all. See all the action here.
- They Served Brandolyn Red: Our beloved “Brandy” has finally been publicly announced by Goodman Games. In the “What’s New At GenCon” – if you check out the video at around 8:30 he talks about “Stephen Newton writing a Halloween module…” I’ve seen the cover art, and it looks fantastic! Brandy was playtested at GaryCon
- Hypercube of Myt and Death By Nexus: Over the summer I assisted Mr. Jim Wampler and a host of others in the writing/editing of the two “road crew” adventures that were released by Goodman Games. Both are now available and you can get Hypercube of Myt here and Death by Nexus here
- Attack of the Frawgs (2015 Digest Edition): I have finished all the writing for the 2015 edition of Frawgs. I will be describing more about the contents when I release it, but all the art has been submitted (Rena Pyron did a couple new pieces, which I spoke about previously) and Jen Brinkman has been helping me with the editing. As you recall, I wrote this adventure before DCC RPG was actually published so it needed a bit of stylistic cleanup. It has been re-formatted for digest-sized (not smaller print, but actually laid-out differently) so from a layout perspective it feels like some of the zines that have become popular of late.
- The Lost Tower of Ivok The Mad (aka Larvik/Frawgs 2): While I continued work on Ivok, I was distracted with 2 other projects (below). The sequel to Larvik/Frawgs continues to be my “Man of La Mancha” in that I’m having a really hard time finishing it with all the other “cool ideas” that seem to keep cropping up demanding me to write them.
- UnAnnounced Stephen Newton Adventure: I have also finished the writing for an as-yet-unannounced project. I’m not sure what I can really say about this one, other than: it’s written, and it will most likely not be released as a Thick Skull Adventures product. But the writing is complete.
- “Old West” DCC RPG Adventure: Speaking of projects that have distracted me, recently I’ve been inspired by the possibilities of combining some of the elements of California history with some of the “Old West” campaign settings that have been made available for DCC RPG. I have finished writing a first draft of an adventure for that setting, and will be working to get it published one way or another this year.
So that’s it for the writing projects, here’s a brief update on other Thick Skull happenings:
- If you haven’t already voted, please checkout the survey I did on G+ for the favorite bonus material you like to see in a re-published adventure
- Hypercube of Myt dungeon: speaking of the Hypercube, check out the fabulous dungeon setting that was created by +Jose Masaga for that adventure. The “snot golems” that he mentions were from the room I contributed.
- Community favorite +James Olchak—known for his insightful and witty weekly Walking Dead reviews—put out the call for adventures that “frog-monsters”. I took up the challenge and sent him a copy of Frawgs and here’s his review
Hope everyone is doing well! Keep those dice rolling.