A Hero’s Journey avail from Darklight Interactive

Posted by on Mar 14, 2012 in 4ED, RPG | 0 comments

So while all you folks are anxiously awaiting Attack of the Frawgs! may I humbly suggest that consider parting with a couple of bucks for a new 0-level 4E D&D adventure from David Flor, A Hero’s Journey.

David’s latest offering has a soft spot in my heart, for here is what he had to say about it on his blog:

In the meantime, inspired by Thick Skull Adventure‘s upcoming Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure “Attack of the Frawgs!” (which I helped edit), I had an idea for a level 0 mini-adventure. I would have written it for the DCC ruleset, but all I have for now are the “beta” rules. I could have waited, I know… But I’m impatient. Once I get an idea in my head I need to get it done and out there.


And indeed, David did help me edit! Frawgs has actually had 4 sets of eyes look for typos during its various phases of development. And as always, because I’m constantly tweaking, any typos you find in the finished product should squarely be placed on my head.

But back to David, I recently helped him edit his recently released Items of Legend adventure supplement, and he was polite enough to make the offer of “…if there’s anything I can ever do to help!” Well, gentle readers, good proofreaders and editors are always hard to find and I know he knows his stuff.

And now for my moment of professional envy: apparently he wrote, designed the maps, performed graphic duties, and shipped A Heroe’s Journey essentially in a month! If only I had that guy’s productivity!

So, go pickup a copy of his new book(s) and when Frawgs is released (which according to Mr. Goodman we should be safe to launch in “April-ish”, make sure you pick that up too!